1. It seems like we just grow closer and closer. You are such a huge part of my life and you've always been there. I have a fabulous sister! Happy Birthday...!
  2. U R special, U R a sister who fights wid me, plays wid me, suggest me & shouts at me. But U r so softhearted & I love U my dear sister. Happy Birthday 2 U...!
  3. They are known to help keep your head on straight. They are known to make sure you're never late. They are known for their honesty. They are known to many for their charity. They are known for being trustworthy as can be. That's what sisters do and I'm glad you're the best one for me! Happy Birthday...!
  4. What you have taught me about cherishing the precious moments and grabbing on to what life has to offer has made me into the person that I am today. You motivate me and inspire me...just by being you! Happy Birthday, Sis...!
  5. I’m so blessed you’re my sister And also my best friend If I ever want to borrow you always gladly lend When I need a laugh or two I just give you a ring You have this special knack To say the right thing You are so very special Always there for me If I .....

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